Margaritha A. Mella: A Female Leader Bringing Change

Margaritha A. Mella: A Female Leader Bringing Change

Margaritha A. Mella, more affectionately known as Mama Itha, is a respected female leader in Timor Tengah Selatan (TTS) Regency. Born on March 30, 1980, Mama Itha currently serves as the Head of Oinlasi Village in the Mollo Selatan District.

Mama Itha graduated in animal husbandry from Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Kupang in 2002. After graduating, she aspired to work in an NGO to communicate directly with the wider community, understand their problems, and find appropriate solutions. This aspiration led her to join several friends in Mollo Selatan as local village facilitators in the PNPM (National Program for Community Empowerment) for one to two years.

After the program ended, in 2005, Mama Itha was called to serve as staff at the Regent’s office. Despite serving for 17 years with honour and receiving the Regent’s decree, her hope of being appointed as a civil servant (ASN) was never realised. However, the dream of working in an NGO remained in her heart.

In 2022, when information emerged about the selection for the Head of Oinlasi Village, Mama Itha never thought of running. At a Mella family meeting to prepare a candidate for the Head of Oinlasi Village, Mama Itha attended as a partisan supporting the nominated relative. However, Mama Itha’s name was suddenly mentioned as a candidate. Hearing this, the nominated relative decided to withdraw because of their honorer status in fisheries.

Initially rejecting the family’s decision to nominate her due to her honorer status at the Regent’s office, Mama Itha’s heart was softened by a traditional approach involving oko mama (betel nut container) presented by village elders. Finally, she agreed to participate in the village’s political contest. Through a long process, Mama Itha was elected to lead Oinlasi Village in 2022. Family support and encouragement played a crucial role in this journey.

As Village Head, Mama Itha is committed to providing the best for her community. She strives to be transparent in managing and using village funds for the community’s welfare, always adhering to regulations. Inspired by her parents, who led the village for 15 years without a budget yet served the community honestly and fairly, Mama Itha is determined to reflect the same values.

Besides being a village leader, Mama Itha is also a housewife who must manage her household and build a working team within the village. She has to be good at time management to fulfil her duties as both a village leader and a housewife. Mama Itha’s message to female leaders is to not be afraid and believe that women can bring change, even if it is small.

After taking office, Mama Itha identified the problems and needs of the community and discussed with officials to prioritise the use of village funds. One of her main focuses is addressing stunting issues by collaborating with the Village Health Team (TKD) and posyandu cadres, whom Mama Itha dubs the “village’s health champion.” They are quick to serve the community, make home visits for pregnant women, and receive adequate incentives to motivate them.

The main challenge faced is the low human resources (SDM) in the village. Mama Itha hopes that by collaborating with the 1000 Days Fund, they can train and support cadres to better provide integrated primary health services to the community.

Mama Itha believes that big changes start from small things done with great love. She invites everyone to work together for the welfare of the Oinlasi community. “We women can also lead, do good, and be role models for many people,” she concluded.

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