1000 Days Fund and Quantedge Advancement Initiative Announces Partnership, Securing Multi-Year Support For Stunting Prevention in Indonesia.

JAKARTA, 1 April 2022 –– 1000 Days Fund announced a new partnership with Quantedge Advancement Initiative (QAI), a Singapore-based grant-making charity, on its mission to end stunting in Indonesia by 2030. QAI provided financial assistance to support 1000 Days Fund’s Stunting Center of Excellence in West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.
QAI’s support will ensure that village midwives and community health workers have the necessary tools to train and educate parents on stunting prevention. QAI shared the excitement on its website.
The program will be implemented over the next two years. Village midwives and community health workers will be trained in lactation management, anthropometry and the use of growth chartbooks, and pregnancy management. These topics are necessary to upskill and increase the confidence of village midwives and community health workers in delivering quality healthcare. The village midwives and community health workers will also distribute Smart Charts, an in-home stunting prevention tool. The Smart Chart comprises three key messages on stunting and tips on stunting prevention. This colorful height chart has effectively communicated the danger of stunting, improved caregivers’ knowledge, and induced behavior changes to prevent stunting.
The partnership will also build strong advocacy for village governments to secure a clear incentive mechanism for community health workers. Besides securing their welfare, the incentive mechanism will enable the community health workers to provide exceptional antenatal care to the children born in the frontier, outermost, and least developed regions of Indonesia.
Ultimately, the joint effort between the 1000 Days Fund and QAI will help educate approximately 300 village midwives, 2,000 community health workers, and 10,000 pregnant women and parents with children under 2 years old on stunting prevention.