One Growth Chart at a Time: The Power of Skilled Community Health Workers

One Growth Chart at a Time: The Power of Skilled Community Health Workers

Imagine being a parent and not knowing whether your baby is growing as they should. No way to track their progress, no clear signs to tell you if they’re thriving or if something needs to change. That’s the reality for parents in rural Manggarai Barat, where community health workers (CHWs) once lacked the skills to monitor a child’s growth. They couldn’t chart the height on an X/Y axis, let alone recognize the signs of malnutrition.

Take Mama Kristina and Pak Vinsen, CHWs who once felt powerless to help the mothers in their community. Before, they could only guess. Now, they know. They measure, they track, and they act. And the mothers? They no longer wonder if their children are getting the right nutrition. They see it, they understand it, and they’re making changes that will shape their children’s futures.

This transformation is possible thanks to the support of LINE Foundation MMS GROUP INDONESIA Adri P Martowardojo Amanda S. empowering CHWs like Mama Kristina and Pak Vinsen with the skills and confidence to change lives—one growth chart at a time.

The credit goes to the very passionate and patient program team that trained and assisted them every step of the way.

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